Doctor Reveals: Little-Known 10 Second POSTbiotic “Slim Gut-Switch” Slimming Waists Fast

Doctor Reveals: Little-Known 10 Second POSTbiotic “Slim Gut-Switch” Slimming Waists Fast

I’m Dr. Matthew Olesiak, M.D. and I’ve discovered a “slim gut” switch that is turned on in “naturally thin” people that allows excess food to leave the body rather than sticking on it as fat. The good news is that…

EVERYONE has this “slim gut switch” inside, it’s just that in some people it’s turned off if they are missing a critical gut nutrient, known as POSTbiotics.

See POSTBiotics are the by product of Fiber and Probiotics after they ferment in your gut, POSTbiotics are the ESSENTIAL key to a slim and healthy gut, but it’s nearly impossible to get enough of this slimming nutrient with fiber and probiotics alone.

POSTbiotics are so revolutionary they have been featured in Woman’s World and are the shortcut to a healthy, slim gut, leaving behind fiber and probiotics. And that means faster weight loss, fewer painful digestion issues like constipation and bloating, and better defenses against deadly diseases that almost all start in the colon…

The problem with the old fiber plus probiotics method is it’s very slow, inefficient, and involves a painful 5-step process that literally requires “in-gut fermentation” that leads to embarrassing constipation, bloating and gas.

But now, thanks to a patented breakthrough, YOU can skip that painful 5-step process and get what Harvard calls the “optimal” POSTBiotic — Butyrate — delivered directly where it can help slim your gut — your lower colon. This powerful substance provides gut-healing benefits unlike any other substance on the planet. It really is the definition of a healthy gut! Now you can enjoy this new healthy gut miracle shortcut in just 10 seconds >>>

How does it work? After years of research, scientists have combined 3 Butyrate molecules with a glycerol molecule to create a radically more effective version of this “optimal” Short Chain Fatty Acid. This TRIbutyrate is time-released directly into your lower colon (the only place it can provide all these life-changing benefits). That is why it is the main active ingredient in our new one-of-a-kind gut health breakthrough Viscera-3™ >>>

It is three times more powerful than the weak postbiotics created by fiber alone. Then we combined TRIbutyrate with our SLIMGut Earth Minerals Matrix and the SLIMGut Garden Blend. Together this multi-factor formula leads to less gas, constipation, bloating, and of course improved weight loss!

  • You get… to break free from the embarrassment and pain of constipation, bloating and gas caused by “internal fermentation” and instead take the ONE-STEP quick, easy, and pleasant VISCERA-3™ shortcut to a better gut.
  • You get… to enjoy a slim gut and lower disease risk thanks to lasting weight loss and a reduction of the dangerous visceral belly fat that expands your gut.
  • You get… to experience increased youthful energy and a vibrant life without a deadly leaky gut while the TRIButyrate strengthens your intestine walls and helps support your natural defense against deadly diseases.

About Dr. Matthew Olesiak, M.D

Dr. Olesiak, M.D. is the Chief Medical Director at SANESolution. Backed by 1,300 clinical studies, SANESolution is the only program endorsed by top doctors at The Harvard Medical School, Johns Hopkins, the Mayo Clinic, the Cleveland Clinic, and UCLA. Ensuring that every SANESolution product and service is of the highest ethical and efficacy standards and always rigorously evidenced-based, Dr. Olesiak helps ensure SANESolution remains the world leader in proven, practical, and powerful methods to end digestion problems and help Americans poop better.

Disclaimer: Every body is different. Results may vary based on a number of factors including weight, nutrition and diet. We are dedicated to bringing readers valuable information which can help them accomplish their financial and lifestyle goals. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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