BREAKING: The Raw, Uncensored Reason We Invaded Iraq…
Ask anyone why the U.S. invaded Iraq on March 19th, 2003 and most people will say it was our response to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11th – or the discovery of Saddam Hussein’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction”.
That’s the story that was spoon-fed to the American public…
And most people ate it up.
But the real reason we invaded Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11, Saddam Hussein or those infamous WMDs.
The truth is, it was done to protect a long-standing deal that the U.S. put into place nearly 50 years ago – one that solidifies America’s status as the world’s #1 economic and military superpower…
And keeps foreign governments “in check” to ensure that it stays that way.
You can read more about it right here.
Because this deal is so important to the safety and security of America, it’s been defended by every U.S. president – Republican or Democrat – for nearly five decades.
Wars have been fought and countless lives have been lost in order to protect this deal.
But now, thanks to an idiotic and dangerous move by Joe Biden, this sacred pact is about to be broken…
And when that happens, all hell will break loose.
The U.S. dollar will stop being the world’s reserve currency, stocks will plummet, and American savings accounts could get wiped out.
“As [this happens], central banks will begin dumping their dollar reserves. This will result in hyperinflation… further accelerating US decline.”
Robert Kiyosaki, author of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad – warns the dollar “will die” as this continues to play out.
And Monica Crowley, Trump’s Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, said to Fox News that Biden’s growing problem…
“Would be a complete implosion of… the American economic system.
“But more importantly, we would lose our economic dominance… And we would lose our superpower status.”
This is the biggest threat to your wealth and security right now.
But there are a few simple steps you can take right now that will ensure you and your family are safe from the fallout of this impending collapse.
In fact, you could actually grow your wealth even as Biden continues his idiotic policy moves.
P.S. How do I know so much about the Doomsday Deal? Because in 1974, with in a secret meeting at the White House, I helped build the blasted thing. I’ll show you everything you need to know – including how to protect your money – when you click here now.
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